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Is It Right To Get Managed IT Service?


Many business decisions come down to security management. What are the risks involved in each decision, and how do they stack up against each other? While security risk will always be present in some form or another, you can be proactive about what your business is vulnerable to.

When I talk about shifting risk with Managed IT Services, it’s about how risk changes when you decide to have part or all of your IT functions managed externally. As organizations grow, it’s becoming increasingly common to outsource routine maintenance tasks and help desk functions instead of hiring additional IT staff. Similarly, when IT personnel quit or retire, filling those positions with an external IT provider can reduce the overall risks to your organization.


You can shift risk with Managed IT – Here’s Why that’s a Big deal having a single, internal IT employee is a modern example of putting all of your eggs in one basket. It leaves your company dependent on that single employee to be your source of technological advice, support, service and innovation. Those are some pretty important eggs.

Now, what happens when your internal IT person quits, requires a leave of absence or faces some unforeseen circumstances? Finding a temporary or permanent replacement takes time and resources, oftentimes thousands of dollars per hire once you account for recruiting, training, benefits and workplace integration.

Alternatively, if your organization has an internal IT department and one member quits, their workload shifts onto the remaining workers until a replacement is hired and trained. A similar thing happens when companies grow and place more demand upon internal IT staff. In either of these situations, the additional workload can put unnecessary stress on your IT department as a whole.


With Managed IT Services, you have a team taking care of your business’s IT needs. Your processes are streamlined, and you’re not dependent on a single person. Any change within IT can be alarming, but when you work with a Managed IT provider, they have the people, the resources and the experience to keep everything moving smoothly.

When you work with an external Managed IT provider, you don’t have to worry about the following IT risks:

Losing IT staff to another business or a competitor

Hiring, training, delegating to, managing and promoting internal IT staff

Delaying projects or processes due to absence or medical leave

Uncovering problems that were hidden or mismanaged

Staying up-to-date and compliant with industry regulations


Working with a professional organization like JR Copier of Minnesota keeps things moving easy. We stay up-to-date with IT regulation changes across all the industries we serve. We have policies and procedures in place to ensure our services aren’t impacted when a staff member needs time off or finds employment elsewhere. When these things occur, your business will not incur risk as a result.

Partnering with a Managed IT provider for routine functions like maintenance, patching and help-desk support frees up your internal IT support to work on higher order concerns within your organization. We like to say around here that if you let us focus on your IT, you’ll have more time and freedom to focus on your business.

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